Tuesday, March 22, 2011


MICHEAL VICK: 4x Pro Bowler, 21 TD, 100.2 RAT in 2010


@MikeVick: Thr is no jinx in being the first player to appear on the cover twice, lets see if we can make it happen !



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday night’s loss against the Portland Trail Blazers made it 5 straight for the Miami Heat. Even more alarming, they are 0-4 at home right now. With the defending champs coming to town Thursday night, it’s clear that the Heat need to get it together; and fast! After the breaking news of Sunday’s “cry-gate” scandal, these recent losses are starting to cool down the Heats buzz around the league.

I’ll state the obvious, the Miami Heat are the team everyone loves to hate right now; every sport has one. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying the Heat “suck” like a lot of the anti-Heat supporters out there. The Heat are a good team, point blank period. There are Clipper fans out there that wish at their worst point in the season they were third in their conference. The fact is, the Heat aren’t great. After “the decision”, the heat were catapulted to a platform that they truly weren’t ready for. We did not expect this team to just be “good”, they were supposed to be instantly great.

Every great team goes through a slump in a season, hell before the all-star break the Lakers were on a serious land slide. How you react to these tough times is ultimately how the greats are judged. Right now, the Heat aren’t showing up. Like I said before, for anyone else this wouldn’t be a problem. The Heat could ultimately lose every game for the rest of the season and still make the playoffs. Yet, the fact that the Heat will have to go 18-1 for the rest of the season just to match Lebron’s Cleveland record last year leaves us feeling this season has not lived up to expectations. LeBron and Dwayne need to just get it going. As soon as they figure out how to play off of each other, we will see the Miami heat we expected. Yes, I purposely left out Chris Bosh. As far as I’m concerned he was the one in the Locker room crying. The Heat are lacking respect from the league, they are not feared any more, and it starts with Chris Bosh.

This is the Heat’s first season together, they are building chemistry as we speak. They just need a few more pieces for everything to fall in line. These pieces are what will make them great, and not just good. I’m not talking about Mike Bibby, who doesn’t really help the defensive piece they’re lacking. I’m talking tough bench players who will play hard, foul hard, and get garbage buckets. Miami has the lowest bench scoring numbers in the league. The big 2 and Bosh can only do so much. As well, look back at the last 8 championships or so. Think about it. Who were the coaches? I’m sorry, Erik Spoelstra doesn’t have a “Championship” bone in his body. He hasn’t handled his team well, and recently through them under the bus. Once Pat Riley makes those changes, then I’ll let the heat be in the elite discussion.

 Here's a couple of the Heats recent game winning attempts...In case you forgot

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This was a highly anticipated match up. The new look Knicks vs Miami's big three this past Sunday. The Heat took an early lead and looked like they were going to run away with the game at one point. Lebron mad his sport center top ten plays early on in the game and for a moment it seemed like New York's unknown bench was going to let it slip.  Out of nowhere New York made a 16-0 run which involved Bill Walker hitting a buzzer beating 3pointer at the end of the first half, and also taking a 1pt lead.

The Knicks kept the game close throughout the second half, and really showed us that this new look was able to keep up with the upper echelon of teams. The big moment in the game came in he fourth quarter with 1:02 left on the clock. The Knicks were down 82-84 and Chauncey "Big Game" Billups pulls up for three from nearly 3ft behind the arc. Although Wade contested the shot well, there was nothing stopping that ball from going in. Billups got a crucial steal the next play down court to add to his clutch performance list. It was all down hill from that point on for the Knicks. Lebron's failed attempt at a game tying 3 sealed the deal.

Carmelo Dropped 29pts and 9 rebounds during Sunday's game. These are the extra scoring numbers everyone anticipated leading up to the big trade. Most of all, at the end of the game Melo' asked to guard Lebron. He wanted to own up to that responsibility. He did quite well if I can add my two cents. He stayed in front of Lebron and made him force up a shot which was blocked by Amare ( who had 16pts and 10 rebs off 8-14 shooting).  More importantly, Chauncey was on that court. Everyone has regarded to the New Look Knicks as the Big 2, but clearly "Big Game" is going to be the catalyst that sets that team in motion. Billups has something that neither Lebron, Melo', Amare, or Bosh have: NBA Finals Championship, and a Finals MVP to go along with it. With that said, keep doing your thing Chauncey, show the world you weren't just a toss in with that trade!


Even in a loss, LeBron still managed to leave the crowd in awe and make his sports center highlight. All I can say is, this pass was RIDICULOUS!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Doesnt Get Any Better For the Cav's

It only gets worse from here
After trading away Jamario Moon and former all star Mo Williams for Baron Davis,  things have only gotten worse for the NBA's "bad news bears". Antwan Jamison, arguably Cleveland's best player right now, recently broke his finger. His pinky, to be exact. Despite doctors saying surgery on the finger was a success, he could still miss out the rest of the season.

Well Baron, have fun with that !