Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Steve...Why so serious?

I'm going to take the time out to speak on the worlds most famous caddy right now, Steve Williams. Adam Scott's recent win gave his new caddy, Steve Williams, all the ammunition he needed to get the public's attention and of course take a subliminal shot at Tiger Woods. Why they interviewed Scott, who knows? I blame the interviewer just as much as I blame Steve to be honest. Ultimately Steve Williams made himself look like fool. He talked about his "nervousness", and how it was  "the best win he ever had"; C'mon Son, you're a caddy ! Get out of here with that bitter non-sense. Tiger made you the highest paid caddy EVER. With him you also were apart of one of the most dominant era's in sports, period! Now you want to come out and say this little punk ass win is the best one of your career? Shut up and hand somebody a 9 iron.



Please believe and check the archives, your boys here and the Real deal called it. We said month's ago that the Miami heat weren't winning the ship'. Quote me !


I know we've been on a hiatus, but we're back and ready to go hard as ever! FOOTBALL's BACK (*Rick Ross voice*) and so are we.

Shout out to Prime Time for being inducted to the NFL Hall of Fame. He had one of the best speeches ever too.

Here goes a little more Prime: