Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trade Deadline Madness

The NBA Trade Deadline has ended for this season and It looks like one of the most active ones I've seen in a while. The entire league has been moving around players; I believe in hopes of not being the next Cleveland Cav's or Toronto Raptors.

Sorry for the delay, but let's speak about the obvious. Melo is FINALLY a Knick! It took nearly all season but he is finally in the place we knew he would end up regardless. He dropped 27 and 10 in his debut, which leaves the Knicks optimistic about the near future. Chauncey Billups will secretly he the key piece in that trade which will make or break that team.

The next big trade was Deron Williams going from Utah to the Nets. I've never seen the trade talks of such a big name star stay so far under the radar ! First Sloan is out, now Deron Williams has been shipped out. After letting Boozer and Brewer go during the offseason, it's clear the Jazz are under a serious "Rebuilding" phase. The Jazz "stealthy" trade moved looks to have shaken up quite a bit.

Today trade rumors came pouring in! Everyone is trying to make a move to keep up I guess.

OKC and Boston trade: Kendrick Perkins and Nate Robinson for Jeff Green and Nenad Kristic.

OKC and Charlotte Trade: Nazr Mohammed for DJ White and Mo Peterson.

Charlotte and Portland trade: Gerald Wallace for Joel Pryzbilla and a second round pick.

Memphis and Houston trade: Shane Battier for Hasheem Thabeet and a 1st round pick.

Houston and Phoenix trade: Aaron Brooks for Goran Dragic and a 1st round pick.

LA Clippers and Cleveland trade: Baron Davis and a 1st round pick for Mo Williams and Jamrio Moon.

Atl Hawks and Wash Wizards:
Mike Bibby for Kirk Heinrich

I feel like the Oklahoma and NY set themselves up the best as far as their future goes. Okc gets Perkins to come be their goon in the paint, and Nate Robinson who's a sure scorer off the bench. NY got Melo' and Billups, what more do I need to say?

The Biggest losers were Utah and Houston. These two teams depleted their rosters. The GM's must be looking ahead because as of right now, they couldn't even make the NIT tourney.

A lot of moves were made; some good some bad. Shout out to the teams who held their groups together though!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Today the colts finally took a step forward to make there defense better.. Even though he is a great player that nigga never plays.. Bob sanders has been just takin money from the colts depriving them the chance to sign another talented safety.. Not holding anything back from bob sanders defensive player of the year 07 season, but after that season he has only played in 9 games.. And thru his whole career he has missed more games then he has played in. People think damn it has to be at least one season when he doesn't get hurt but who knows when that season will be.. And wit him going out in the 1st quarter of the first game it left the colts no choice but to release him. I feel like I had a huge part in him being released. Everyone always says bod sanders is so real and he's one of the best, but to be good you hav to play. That's the minimum requirement if you cant meet that your name needs not to be mentioned amounts the best. Take Troy polumuna for example even wen he's hurt he's gonna go out the and play his ass off. So basically what I'm tryna say is fuck bob sanders, until hr plays a full season he is trash as fuck. He was scheduled to make at least $5 million next season now the colts can use that money to sign someone else. And in his absence the colts have developed younger players that may not be as dominant as sanders would be if he actually played but Bethea has done his fair share of work in the colts secondary.. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cleveland, the land where streaks are broken!

Jamison had 35pts in the Game to end this streak
As we all know, the Cleveland Cavaliers were on pace to break the all time record for most consecutive losses in profession sports history. Well that run ended in Cleveland last Friday vs the Los Angeles Clippers. That loss pretty much ended any of that "momentum" that people saw the Clippers gaining, but that's an entirely different conversation. The Cav's gave ALL THEY HAD to pull out the overtime victory against the Clippers. Jamison (35 pts) and Hickson combined for over 60 points between the two. When it was all said and done,the Cav's celebrated as if they had just wont the NBA finals. Confetti fell from the ceiling when the buzzer sounded, FUCKING CONFETTI! I guess they finally got that hump off their back!

Well, apparently the Cavaliers were still hung over from their victory celebration, because Sunday the Washington Wizards came in and ended their own 25 game road losing streak. Lately it seemed like you had a better chance at getting struck by lightning and winning the lotto on the same day than the Wizards did at winning on the road! Cleveland is the land of streak ending though, so maybe we thought wrong. John wall put up 19 points and 14 assist, while Nick Young dropped a cold 31 one on em' ! Oh yea...Whats up with that fro' Nick ? Lose it man, LOSE IT! In the end, the Wiz broke their streak, while the Cav's started a new one!

My only question now is, how bad do the Clippers have to be to end up as the ones who let the Cav's finally break that losing streak? For all of you who thought these last few wins out of the Clippers was an instant shot at an 8th seed...go to your nearest bridge...and JUMP! 

Bitter Sweet

On the night that Ray Allen broke Reggie Millers all-time 3 point record, who knew all of the attention would be on the Lakers and how well they played as they defeated the Celtics Thursday night.

Record Tying 3 pointer

Ray hit the gates firing; hitting from all areas on the floor. It was clear that you knew he was waiting for an open look at a three-pointer. He missed his first attempt, but the energy from the crowd as he shot it was INTENSE! Shortly after, Rondo caught Allen in transition and made the assist to Allen for the Record tying three (right in fishers face by the way). Then near the end of the first quarter, history was made. With a nonchalant close-out by Kobe, rondo hit Allen in transition and the rest speaks for itself. "I saw Rondo look my way, and I started salivating" - Ray Allen. The crowd went nuts, everyone (Kobe included) paid their respects, and it really sparked a good run for the Celtics going into the 2nd quarter. The Celtics were firing on all cylinders at this point and the run brought them to a 15 lead nearly half way through the second quarter.

Well, that's where all the Ray Allen praise stops unfortunately. The rest of the game belonged to Kobe Bryant and the Lakers. Pau and Bynum finished the 2nd quarter strong leading the Lakers on a 10-0 run. More importantly, Kobe got Allen into foul trouble quick, which sidelined him shortly after breaking the record. Having only 3 points in, Kobe torched the Celtics with 20 points in the second half (12 in the third). He was DOMINANT. Allen's foul trouble forced Von Wafer to have to guard him, which didn't go in his favor. The Lake show pulled off a convincing six point victory and silenced the critics as well.

The night was bitter sweet because it ended in defeat. I'm sure Ray would trade breaking the record that day for a win over the Lakers any day. With that said, take a second to pay respect to my man Ray Allen. He is the poster boy for hard work and preparation. I can say he's honestly the best shoot I've ever witnessed. I don't see this record being broken anytime soon; especially since Ray's got plenty of 3pointers left in him. Congrats my dude!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grant and Tracy

I have seen many great basketball players in my day. I've seen Kobe, Shaq, Tim Duncan, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Jason Kidd etc. The players i've mentioned are all either in the hall of fame or definitely have 1st ballot hall of famer written all over them, but the two players I mention are players who without a doubt were players that played with the same drive as these hall of famers and future hall of famers but they met something that these others players havent met, which is injury. Sure Kobe and Shaq have both been dinged up in their respective careers, hell Kobe has arthritis which cant be cured by any doctor. But the the two players I would like to go in depth with are Grant Hill and Tracy Mcgrady. These two players in their respective primes seemed like they couldnt be stopped. In my own opinion Grant Hill was Lebron (Or was supposed to be) before Lebron was a househeld name. Hell, Grant was supposed to be Lebron before Lebron was even thought of. Tracy McGrady on the other hand is one of the best pure scorers that i've ever had the privilige to ever watch pick up a basketball. Let me start off with Tracy McGrady. He is a 7 time NBA All-Star (2001-2007), a 7 time All NBA selection (2 times 1st team, 3 time 2nd team and 2 time 3rd team) as well as one of the best competitors i've ever seen. Despite all of this Tracy McGrady has never completed a full season in his 13 year career. Grant Hill is an athlete who was born to play sports (His father Calvin Hill was a 2-time all-pro and 4-time Pro Bowl Running Back in the NFL). Hill came into the league as a highly reguarded player out of the University of Duke under the tutelage of the legendary Mike Krzyzewski or "Coach K" for short. He tied for the Rookie Of The Year award with Jason Kidd back in 1995. The sky was the limit for Grant Hill in his 1st years until an ankle injury slowed him down and ultimately determined where his career would go. From 2000-2004 Grant Hill Played in a total of 47 games. Not too great considering what we all know Grant can or could do in his prime. Grant Hill currently plays for the struggling Phoenix Suns as Tracy McGrady plays for the Detroit Pistons who are also struggling to win themselves. This article is not meant to simply show that two great players fell off from their game, it is to see if these two players can adjust to their game and progress with their careers. Grant Hill may be playing the best basketball i've seen him play in 10 years. Ever since joining Phoenix Grant has been very consistent and hasn't missed the games that he has in the past. He even played in all 82 games in the 08-09 season (great for a player who is supposedly washed up and injury prone). Grant Hill has become a great role player for the Phoenix system and doesnt seem to be slowing down anytime soon. This all brings me back to Tracy McGrady. McGrady is currently a role player in the Detroit Pistons system and is currently averaging 7.9 points per game (far from the 32.1 points per game I witnessed him score during the 2002-2003 season). Grant Hill showed that his career is not over, now can Tracy McGrady do the same? McGrady doesnt have to be a Kobe or Lebron, but can he show that he still has it in him to be a reliable threat for any given team? Only time will tell people. The sports writer in me says we may never know if McGrady can ever show flashes of his old self, but the basketball fan in me knows that it is locked up somewhere. So for all the true basketball fans that respect Tracy McGrady I ask this one question. DOES T-MAC STILL HAVE IT? This has been Matthew Perrodin writing for REAL DEAL SPORTS FAN BLOG. Stay tuned, it's only just begun!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Broken Promises

" I personally guarantee that the Cleveland Cavaliers will win an NBA Championship before the self-titled former 'king' wins one. "
- Dan Gilbert
Well, he dug himself DEEP with that one. The Cav's are on a record setting 25 game losing street (previously 23 straight). They are one game away from tying the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 26 game losing streak as being the longest in PROFESSIONAL SPORTS!!! You read the quote; now lets look at reality. The Cav's fucking SUCK . What happened to the personal guarantee Dan ? It was alright to be a little upset, hell, I was head of the anti-LeBron committee, and I've been one of his biggest fans since St. Vincent-St. Mary's. Either way, I've gotten over it. LeBron gave more than enough, and everyone has the right to leave. I just don't agree with the publicity in which it was done. Dan Gilbert, on the other hand, can't back out so easily. See, Dan Gilbert used a strong choice of words when bashing LeBron in hopes of boosting his team and cities morale. After making his guarantee he said:  
"You can take it to the bank."
The Decision

 Looks like that's one check that Gilbert couldn't cash. I wouldn't be on the man's head if he didn't make himself a target folks. You can't talk big shit and not back it up! "The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south. And until he does "right" by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma." ; well Dan, clearly you gave the curse to yourself. You guys went from mid-western overnight celebrities to the WORST team in professional sports history. 

You know who is just as bad as Dan Gilbert ? Those Cleveland fan's (outside of Ohio) who were riding the Cav's coat tails just a season ago. The same fan's who talked so bad about the Lakers (who eventually WON the championship) and Kobe as an individual. You guys fucking suck ! You were nowhere to be found when the Celtic's put them out, and now you are nowhere to found since you have all probably jumped ship to South beach. You guys don't know what being a real fan is! To the old school heat fans, props for getting a dream come true! To the overnight heat fans who left Ohio in the rear view...well..."KILL YO' SELF". Ha ha, just had to get that out there. But seriously, you guys and Dan Gilbert should really rethink things.

"Sleep well, Cleveland. Tomorrow is a new and much brighter day...
I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only:
DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue...

Dan Gilbert
Majority Owner
Cleveland Cavaliers"

Who's cursed now ?


Blake Griffin. . . . . . . .SMH!!!! This kid is absolutely killin the game right now. I am utterly shocked at what he is doing this early in his career. After a season ending knee injury last year Griffin hit the ground runnin showin everyone he is no Greg Oden. Averaging 22.6 ppg and 12.7 rebounds he is surely a force to be wreckin with. He also is 2nd in dunks to Dwight Howard but i personally think he leads the league in SHITTIN ON NIGGAS!!!! But Griffin is not just limited to high flying dunks and wowwing the crowd, he also has developed a consistent midrange shot, and possesses extraordinary gifts of quickness, explosiveness, and exceptional speed for a big man. Its really unreal. I must say that there is tremendous upside for Blake Griffin, and if he continues to evolve as a player and works on his all around game, we are in for a treat for a long long time. Fasten your seat belts, because Blake is liftin off, and im sure you wanna be on the ship when it takes off!!!!

P.S. Where's that niggas brother, I know he somewhere hatin!!!! lmao

Buzzing...Carmelo to the Lakers? Will it work ?

Could Melo be wearing Purple and Gold in the near Future ?

Bynum is who'd they be giving up
Word on the street is the Nuggets have had preliminary talks with the Lakers about a trade for Carmelo Anthony. The deal is supposed to be Melo for Bynum, straight up. Now I know that sounds crazy, but regardless of what happens Melo is not going to be a Nugget next year. The Nuggets are tying to get what they can before all is lost. Although Bynum has been Plagued by injury; a healthy Bynum could be a good look for the future "Melo-less" Nuggets. Now these are just preliminary talks, and the Knicks are still thought to be #1 in the Melo' trade talks. For the city of Los Angeles though, this is a pretty big what if.

The bigger question at hand is, will it work? A lot of people think the loss of Bynum would take away the length advantage that the Lakers have over teams with Bynum there. Quite frankly, I think we'd have the length advantage still; Let's not forget that the Lakers would still have Odom and Gasol. As far as I'm concerned, the trend of seven foot back to the basket big men is on the decline. Kevin Garnett and Tim Duncan are on the other side of their prime (Still stars though, but they can't play forever) and the rest are just always injured. Players like Yao, Bynum, and Greg Oden show that you just aren't physically supposed to be that big. It is starting to seem like a bad investment by putting all your bucks into these big men who can never get through a full season. The Miami heat have made moves that showed the shift in the league ; it is a guard oriented league now. Starting from the wing and ending at the point. Bosh isn't a small player, but he's not the big brute that you see in players like Oden and Bynum. Blake griffin, Dwight Howard, Amare Stoudemire, Chris Bosh; those are the big men of future NBA years to come(pending lockout talks; but that's a whole different conversation).

As a Laker fan, I love Bynum and I see a potential in him that most other people don't see in him. But I can't overlook how great it would be to have Melo in Purple and Gold. Fuck the future, I can see him changing the team (who's already great, fuck the critics) immediately. Not only is he a guaranteed scoring threat, but he could extend Kobe's career by a couple. I personally don't think it's going to go down and still love the Lakers the way they are, but that's one hell of a what if !

Got any idea's ?

send ideas or anything else here or just leave us a comment ! Thanks !

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Although neither team is my personal favorite, I must say, Superbowl XLV was a thrill to watch. It was clearly a battle of the Quarterback's. Both teams set a record for a combined fewest rushing attempts in Superbowl history. While Pittsburgh's defense did what they could do to contain Rodgers, he still ended up having a nearly perfect game. He is amongst the greats like Joe Montana and Steve Young to throw 3 TD's and no interceptions in a Superbowl. (Not to mention he was missing Donald Driver for most of the Game)
With precise passes and cool under pressure, Rodgers completed 24 of 39 passes for 304 yards, three touchdowns and no interceptions Sunday night to lead the Packers to a 31-25 victory over the Pittsburgh Steeler's for Green Bay's first NFL title since Favre's in the January 1997 Super Bowl.
-MSN Sports

Key turnovers put the Steelers down on the scoreboard early. Big Ben had the chance to make his signature comeback, but it was short lived when they turned the ball over on downs with less than a minute left. The Packers Defense did their thing ALL night. Although the Steeler's seemed to own the 3rd quarter, Green Bay's defense made plays when it counted. Clay Matthews forced a fumble against Steeler's RB Rashard Mendenhall which ultimately saved the game for them. Not to mention, they were missing team leader and star CB Charles Woodson in the second half (Broken Collarbone). Let me just say, Woodson is the definition of a WARRIOR! He knew that his collarbone was broken and immediately went back to the huddle so he could give his team "one more play". You have got to respect that man's passion.

All in all, Super Bowl XLV was a great one two watch. They aired it out in Jerry's world, and the best man won. Now it's time to rebuild...

Not Ready for whats coming!!!!

Ok, it is officially that time of the year. FOOTBALL IS OVER!!!! And I honestly am not too happy about it. Now comes the time of year when basketball is at its peak, and then June rolls around too soon and its all over. Then comes what I like to refer to as "The Great Depression." The time of year that I hate the most. When there is absolutely nothing going on but baseball and a little hockey. This is when i go weeks without watching sports center. It is truely a very sad time. I honestly believe that if it wasnt summer and this took place in winter then the suicide rate would be exceptionally higher. lol Nah but I am really not ready for whats ahead. Hockey and baseball taking over sportscenter. Nothin but diving catches on the top 10!!!! NHL tonight re-runs!!!! I need somethin else to get me through this summer because its gonna b a long one. Last year it was the Lebron free agent suspense. If this sports gods are listening, PLEASE SEND US SOMETHING TO GET US THROUGH!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Who said defending a championship was easy ? Apparently it's supposed to be because the world has gone crazy with the Lakers performance thus far. I realize that the Lakers are 1-5 against the elite teams in the NBA;but has everyone looked over the fact that while playing their worst basketball of the season, they are still number two in the west ? Have you all forgot that despite out "aged" line-up and "lack of defense" that we are sitting at 34-16 (18 games above .500)? Apparently so. People put their best foot forward EVERY time they suit up against us; so are we guilty of putting our selves in holes? YES! This is still no need for the second guessing of the STILL defending champs.

In true L.A. fashion, the off the court buzz has seemed to hang over the Lakers like a dark cloud. Pau plays too soft; Kobe shoots too much; and Ron Artest wants out. It's ironic that people call Pau soft; this is the same style of play that he had in Memphis. Was any body taking shots at him then ? Against the Celtics, Yes, Kobe took at least 7 straight isolation shots during the last 3 minutes of the game. What nobody wants to add is that the rest of the team had been missing open shots and ultimately had a look as if they didn't want to take the shots regardless. So why knock a man on taking the shots that no one else will? Kobe's style of play has won him 5 rings, stop trying to change it ! Well as far as Artest goes, all i can do is take his word on it: Ron Artest responds to trade talk

We took a tough loss to the spurs last night, but our defense looked great.You can check out the half time numbers if you need more proof. All I'm  saying is no need for all this talk. It's fucking february, get worried when April rolls around. Until then, take some kind words from my man Kobe Bryant!

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- Schuey
(Disagree with us? Shoot us an email or a comment, we can argue over it !)