Friday, February 4, 2011


Who said defending a championship was easy ? Apparently it's supposed to be because the world has gone crazy with the Lakers performance thus far. I realize that the Lakers are 1-5 against the elite teams in the NBA;but has everyone looked over the fact that while playing their worst basketball of the season, they are still number two in the west ? Have you all forgot that despite out "aged" line-up and "lack of defense" that we are sitting at 34-16 (18 games above .500)? Apparently so. People put their best foot forward EVERY time they suit up against us; so are we guilty of putting our selves in holes? YES! This is still no need for the second guessing of the STILL defending champs.

In true L.A. fashion, the off the court buzz has seemed to hang over the Lakers like a dark cloud. Pau plays too soft; Kobe shoots too much; and Ron Artest wants out. It's ironic that people call Pau soft; this is the same style of play that he had in Memphis. Was any body taking shots at him then ? Against the Celtics, Yes, Kobe took at least 7 straight isolation shots during the last 3 minutes of the game. What nobody wants to add is that the rest of the team had been missing open shots and ultimately had a look as if they didn't want to take the shots regardless. So why knock a man on taking the shots that no one else will? Kobe's style of play has won him 5 rings, stop trying to change it ! Well as far as Artest goes, all i can do is take his word on it: Ron Artest responds to trade talk

We took a tough loss to the spurs last night, but our defense looked great.You can check out the half time numbers if you need more proof. All I'm  saying is no need for all this talk. It's fucking february, get worried when April rolls around. Until then, take some kind words from my man Kobe Bryant!

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- Schuey
(Disagree with us? Shoot us an email or a comment, we can argue over it !)


  1. I honestly do not see the Lakers following up that 2010 championship run with another title. This run of games since Christmas has been mediocre to say the least. With Artest playing the worst basketball of his career, and Pau playing like soft first season Laker Pau, they would even struggle getting out of the west. Teams like San Antonio, and Dallas (If Dirk can stay healthy) will put those title aspirations to rest!!!! I must say though that the thought of getting Carmelo is scary, good luck with that tho!!!! I doubt it happens!!!!

  2. All this talk is being said and the Laker's were only second (now third in the west). All the hype is over the fact that it's the Lakers. Miami has definitely lost to some SORRY teams. Boston lost to Charlotte the other hype. Niggas said the same about the lakers last to the nay sayers, ill see yall come playoff time.
    ...AND IM GONE....
