Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Buzzing...Carmelo to the Lakers? Will it work ?

Could Melo be wearing Purple and Gold in the near Future ?

Bynum is who'd they be giving up
Word on the street is the Nuggets have had preliminary talks with the Lakers about a trade for Carmelo Anthony. The deal is supposed to be Melo for Bynum, straight up. Now I know that sounds crazy, but regardless of what happens Melo is not going to be a Nugget next year. The Nuggets are tying to get what they can before all is lost. Although Bynum has been Plagued by injury; a healthy Bynum could be a good look for the future "Melo-less" Nuggets. Now these are just preliminary talks, and the Knicks are still thought to be #1 in the Melo' trade talks. For the city of Los Angeles though, this is a pretty big what if.

The bigger question at hand is, will it work? A lot of people think the loss of Bynum would take away the length advantage that the Lakers have over teams with Bynum there. Quite frankly, I think we'd have the length advantage still; Let's not forget that the Lakers would still have Odom and Gasol. As far as I'm concerned, the trend of seven foot back to the basket big men is on the decline. Kevin Garnett and Tim Duncan are on the other side of their prime (Still stars though, but they can't play forever) and the rest are just always injured. Players like Yao, Bynum, and Greg Oden show that you just aren't physically supposed to be that big. It is starting to seem like a bad investment by putting all your bucks into these big men who can never get through a full season. The Miami heat have made moves that showed the shift in the league ; it is a guard oriented league now. Starting from the wing and ending at the point. Bosh isn't a small player, but he's not the big brute that you see in players like Oden and Bynum. Blake griffin, Dwight Howard, Amare Stoudemire, Chris Bosh; those are the big men of future NBA years to come(pending lockout talks; but that's a whole different conversation).

As a Laker fan, I love Bynum and I see a potential in him that most other people don't see in him. But I can't overlook how great it would be to have Melo in Purple and Gold. Fuck the future, I can see him changing the team (who's already great, fuck the critics) immediately. Not only is he a guaranteed scoring threat, but he could extend Kobe's career by a couple. I personally don't think it's going to go down and still love the Lakers the way they are, but that's one hell of a what if !

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