Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Not Ready for whats coming!!!!

Ok, it is officially that time of the year. FOOTBALL IS OVER!!!! And I honestly am not too happy about it. Now comes the time of year when basketball is at its peak, and then June rolls around too soon and its all over. Then comes what I like to refer to as "The Great Depression." The time of year that I hate the most. When there is absolutely nothing going on but baseball and a little hockey. This is when i go weeks without watching sports center. It is truely a very sad time. I honestly believe that if it wasnt summer and this took place in winter then the suicide rate would be exceptionally higher. lol Nah but I am really not ready for whats ahead. Hockey and baseball taking over sportscenter. Nothin but diving catches on the top 10!!!! NHL tonight re-runs!!!! I need somethin else to get me through this summer because its gonna b a long one. Last year it was the Lebron free agent suspense. If this sports gods are listening, PLEASE SEND US SOMETHING TO GET US THROUGH!!!!

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