Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Broken Promises

" I personally guarantee that the Cleveland Cavaliers will win an NBA Championship before the self-titled former 'king' wins one. "
- Dan Gilbert
Well, he dug himself DEEP with that one. The Cav's are on a record setting 25 game losing street (previously 23 straight). They are one game away from tying the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 26 game losing streak as being the longest in PROFESSIONAL SPORTS!!! You read the quote; now lets look at reality. The Cav's fucking SUCK . What happened to the personal guarantee Dan ? It was alright to be a little upset, hell, I was head of the anti-LeBron committee, and I've been one of his biggest fans since St. Vincent-St. Mary's. Either way, I've gotten over it. LeBron gave more than enough, and everyone has the right to leave. I just don't agree with the publicity in which it was done. Dan Gilbert, on the other hand, can't back out so easily. See, Dan Gilbert used a strong choice of words when bashing LeBron in hopes of boosting his team and cities morale. After making his guarantee he said:  
"You can take it to the bank."
The Decision

 Looks like that's one check that Gilbert couldn't cash. I wouldn't be on the man's head if he didn't make himself a target folks. You can't talk big shit and not back it up! "The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south. And until he does "right" by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma." ; well Dan, clearly you gave the curse to yourself. You guys went from mid-western overnight celebrities to the WORST team in professional sports history. 

You know who is just as bad as Dan Gilbert ? Those Cleveland fan's (outside of Ohio) who were riding the Cav's coat tails just a season ago. The same fan's who talked so bad about the Lakers (who eventually WON the championship) and Kobe as an individual. You guys fucking suck ! You were nowhere to be found when the Celtic's put them out, and now you are nowhere to found since you have all probably jumped ship to South beach. You guys don't know what being a real fan is! To the old school heat fans, props for getting a dream come true! To the overnight heat fans who left Ohio in the rear view...well..."KILL YO' SELF". Ha ha, just had to get that out there. But seriously, you guys and Dan Gilbert should really rethink things.

"Sleep well, Cleveland. Tomorrow is a new and much brighter day...
I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only:
DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue...

Dan Gilbert
Majority Owner
Cleveland Cavaliers"

Who's cursed now ?


  1. Well done article, but uhhh Fuck u, sayin we can die. lol Imma LeeBron fan and we all no that!!!! FUCK THE LAKERS!!!!lol

  2. Haha. I wasn't necessarily talking about you. Yes we all know you follow LeBron ( we wonder who you followed pre Lebron though, were u a Tmac fan ? lol) but it was aimed more at those niggas who were dick riding and said the "cav's" were a good team. You were only on lebron's wagon...and when u said they were better than teams u said it was because of lebron. but there were people who bought jersey's, went to games, traveled , and ultimately said the "cav's" as a whole were a good team. So they should jump off a bridge ! But, it does seem like youre feeling a little guilty ! lol.

  3. lol, ahahahahahaha ok, ok, but pre LeeBron i was a basketball fan, I didnt root for any team, but i did always root against the Lakers. Iono its just somethin about them that makes my bones ache!!!! But yea my squad is still the Leebrons, no matter where he is at. He could b wit the Mad Ants for all I care and Ill watch and cheer. No i dont feel guilty tho. Leebron and Nem takin it. Good job wit the Celtics last night tho, Miami is comin for first place #boi
